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How The Program Works
- Through your existing communication channels, a donor learns about your vehicle donation program.
- The donor calls the Vehicle Donation Station (VDS) at 800-242-9045, or visits and fills out an online form to give vehicle and pick-up information.
- The Staff at VDS educates the donor on the vehicle donation process.
- The vehicle is scheduled for pickup usually within 24-48 hours. Pick up usually occurs within 24-72 hours of coordinating the pick-up with donor.
- The Vehicle Donation Station mails the donor the initial donation acceptance letter.
- The vehicle is sourced to our third party remarketer and we determine the ultimate disposition of the vehicle maximizing the value to the charity or non-profit.
- A final accounting is completed by the Vehicle Donation Station and the funds are remitted to the Non-profit on a monthly basis and includes a detailed accounting as well as board presentable executive summary.
- The donor receives a 1098c for the gross selling price, to be filed with their tax return for the year in which the donation occured. An important reminder everyone’s tax situation is different and donors must consult their tax advisor to the deductibility of their donation.